The Housing Authority of Hot Springs (HSHA) is a public entity established under the laws of the State of Arkansas to provide federally subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income families within the city of Hot Springs and surrounding areas. HSHA wishes to seek assistance with the renovation or redevelopment of off-site properties.
HSHA is governed by a five-member board of commissioners appointed by the mayor of Hot Springs.) The Board is responsible for the development of housing policy and the authorization of expenditure. Operations and recommendations regarding planning strategies made to the Board are the responsibility of the Executive Director of HSHA. The Executive Director will be the key contact once the contract(s) is (are) awarded. The HSHA is subject to all U.S. Housing & Urban Development ("HUD") regulations.
The purpose of this RFP is to allow HSHA to solicit meaningful, technical, competitive proposals so it may select from among a range of qualified attorneys or law firms(s) ("Firm") that best meet its needs and requirements in providing real estate development and redevelopment legal services. Prior to submitting a proposal, Offerors, at their own expense, must secure any personnel required to perform the required Services.
Please see RFP package below.
All proposals must be received on or before 4pm, Wednesday, November 15, 2023.
Responses may be emailed to the attention of Dr. Nadine Jarmon at